It's the end of the world as we know it...

Politics, philosophy, the law, current events, left leaning debates, religion, baseball, football, pop culture, growing up Greek, random events in my life...whatever hits my mind at the time.


When Too Busy To Goof Off, By All Means, Goof Off...

I have so much to do I don't have time to naturally, I will answer 5 more irrelevant questions.

36. If you knew you could devote yourself to any single occupation - music, writing, acting, business, politics, medicine, etc. - and be among the best and most successful in the world at it, what would you choose? If you knew you had only 10% chance of being so successful, would you still put in the effort? Gosh, I can’t even decide what I want to be when I grow up when I’m not guaranteed to be successful. I have no idea what I want to be. I think that all sound so incredible to do. Maybe the best at medicine, so that I could cure all these diseases. Even though I hate blood. And I don’t like science. Or medicine. Ok, I’d be a miserable doctor, noble as it may be. So maybe not that. Truth be told, I have no idea what I want to be, so when offered the moon, I still don’t know. It's not a matter of having the options, because no one ever told me I can’t have the moon, so it never occurred to me that I can’t be whatever I want. All I need to do is decide what I want to be...And if I only have 10% chance of being successful, I probably still would, because I’ve got this little vice called pride that would stop me from not doing my hardest, regardless of anything else.

37. What is your best experience with drugs or alcohol? Your worst? The best experience? Is there such a thing? I mean, you drink to have all sorts of fun, and I generally do, but I don’t think the good experience is related to the alcohol. I don’t know. As for the worst experience has to be second semester, first year of law school. It was the end of January 1999, the day we got our first grades back - our first posted grade was in Torts. Anyway, for reasons that seem to silly and far away now, 5 years later, I was really upset and felt very alone and whatnot. A bunch of us were planning on going to the bar to drink to celebrate and/or drown our disappointment in our grade, and the way it all went down only served to make me feel worse. Or maybe that was why I felt bad, actually. So I was waiting for the designated driver to come (a friend who didn’t drink was driving) and in my melodramatic upset misery, I decided to drink some before he got there. So I opened up my grain alcohol. For those who live in certain states and have only heard of this mythical drink, it’s 190 proof or 95-percent pure alcohol. In fact, I think that it’s illegal in some states. Anyway, I’m upset, and not the smartest person in the world even on my good days. So I open up the grain and do a shot. It’s relatively tasteless (other than a slight burning sensation, which I actually appreciated at the time because I was feeling something). Nothing happens. So I do another shot. Again, nothing happens, and I’m convinced that this stuff us NOT 95% pure alcohol at all. So I do several shots before my friend arrives. In fact, when he arrives, I’ve done 1/4 of the bottle - AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED! Of course, it’s only been about 15 minutes or so. I get in his car, totally sober, and we go to the bar, which is about 15 minutes away. By the time we get there, I can’t walk. I’m wasted in a way that I’ve never been wasted before. I’m not even aware enough to regret the alcohol in my system. And it’s only about 6:45 p.m. Now, my friend doesn’t drink, as I said, making him the perfect DD. But the problem is, people who don’t drink want to make people drink BAD shots. Milk and lemon juice shots? I still maintain that even sober, I’d have thrown up. (Though obviously not for the same length of time.) I recall going into the bar - Awful Als, a cigar bar. I recall going into the back room. I recall being given shots. I do NOT recall throwing up in the bathroom, but I was told that occurred. I do recall being put back in the car to go home. I also recall throwing up in said car all over the window b/c I tried to throw up OUT the window and didn’t realize that it was closed. I recall that I had chili for dinner that evening, which was evident to anyone when one say my bathroom the next day. Well, actually, two days later. I spent the night in my bathroom evidently - I have vague memories of sleeping in the bathtub. I was throwing up all that night, and all the next day. I was throwing up water. I was dry heaving. I was dying, I swear to gosh. It was the worst alcohol experience ever. I still can’t drink grain alcohol - even in jello shots. I couldn’t eat chili for the rest of the year until the next football season (isn’t chili football food?) The worst part was, it started b/c I felt upset and alone, and then I did that to myself, and I lived alone, so I was throwing up, half convinced I was going to die, and no one was there to take care of me in my (self-imposed, stupidity) sickness. So then the next day I was hung over, probably still had alcohol poisoning, and I still felt alone. That was a success...

38. If you went to a dinner party and were offered a dish you had never tried, would you want to taste it even if it sounded strange or not very appealing? I ate haggis in Scotland, and I know what was in it, it definitely sounds strange, and it most definitely is NOT very appealing. But when in Rome.... (which the obvious exception being potatoes). But I generally don't like to try things if I don't know what they are.

39. Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you? Older. Which is probably why my penchant for the 22-year old boys is so disturbing...Just kidding...maybe. Those art hair boys are adorable... My friends are mostly older than I am, but I'm not sure if that's by accident or design.

40. If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? Are they still able to think? If they are able to think and just can’t move, then probably so. If they aren’t able to think and aren’t the same person in that way, then probably not. And I know the wedding vows are “in sickness and in health,” and I know that it makes me a bad person, but probably not.


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