It's the end of the world as we know it...

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Family Matters

I wake up on Saturday a.m. because my mother has planned a family picnic at my house (involving 30+ relatives decending upon me) and I'm picking stuff up and I realize - someone has stolen my picnic table. It's gone. No joke. What the heck am I supposed to do? It's about 10, relatives are coming around 12, and I There is not good, and there is very not good, and this falls into the latter. So I'm still cleaning, call my father in a panic, and he goes to Home Depot to see what they have. He calls me from there to say they got nothin. Then he goes to a lumberjack store or something with the word lumber in it, and he finds one, which after explaining my dilema, these people were NICE enough to immediately put in their pickup truck and deliver. Problem averted.

Then, I had relatives spend the night. The have called my house for this weekend, in three weeks at a family reunion, and in October for a wedding. Call me the hotel. ;-) Actually, I don't mind, BUT my cousin wears contacts and had the water on...I'm sure I don't need to go on with this story. But when *I* drop a contact down the drain, I just figure that sucks and go on with my life as a one eyed person, or wear old contacts, or put in another contact, or (god forbid) wear my glasses. Not my relatives. They declare war upon that poor sink, and the sink never had a chance. They ask me for tools. I think they said a wrench, but they might have said plyers. Now, let's get something straight. I'm a girl. I don't know about this stuff. I feel like I've accomplished something because I've recently mowed the lawn. As far as tools go, I have screwdrivers, both the Philips and Flathead (and note I know the difference) and a hammer. That's it. Anything else I need done, I can ask someone to do for me. And really, this is NOT stuff I do anyway. So my uncle someone took the sink apart, I hear "get me a bowl or something" and to make a long story short, found the contact. And my cousin put it back in her eye. (All together now, "gross!") But then I hear "uh oh." My uncle broke the piece that he had to put it back together. We need to go somewhere to get some circle piece of plastic in order to put it together. It's the 4th of July. Not that many places are open. And he wants to go to Wal-Mart. In fact, he is insisting. And now I'm irritated. I understand you broke my sink - I.don' I want to go to my grandparents. I have been ready since about 9:30. It's now almost 11. My cousin (the reason we were all in town and I was in Buffalo causing trouble with Jen and Erin is because my cousin leaves for Afganistan next week and this was a goodbye (or a "see you soon") party and he has to leave by 1. I was begond irritated. In fact, it was 11:30 before we left and they live half an hour away. (Though in true Greek fashion, they did not leave until a little after 3, mainly b/c they could not start lunch until we got there.)

NOW my fridge and freezer is broken. Won't keep anything cold. Which, by the way, sucks b/c I just had to cook chicken last night. Literally, TONS of chicken. Think enough chicken for 30+ people - and Greek people at that - everyone wanted hotdogs and hamburgers) and you have an idea how much chicken I had to cook last night.

Now I'm off to cut the grass...


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