It's the end of the world as we know it...

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Thank God for Common Sense

This man beat his son to death. Happens every day, unfortunately.

Luckily for him, he decided there was something to blame it on. With the help of his attorney (going on my list of reasons I hate attorneys) he is blaming it on the fact that slave owners beat their slaves, so he has a right to beat his son to death.

You don't know it, but I just went a checked todays newspaper to make sure I didn't quantum leap back about 150 years. Really and truly, what the heck is happening to our country?? Screw the terrorists, we are doing a great job ourselves of ruining it...

At least the Judge had a brain. Heck, even half a brain could figure this one out. Every time I get too cynical, someone shows common sense that gives me some hope for the future.


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