It's the end of the world as we know it...

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This just goes to show why snow will fall in Miama before I'd ever vote for a Republican presidential candidate

I admit it. I have voted for Republicans in the past. Some city counsel positions, once for the House, and I have a vague recollection of once voting for a Republican governor, although that might not be true. But this just goes to show why I can never vote for a Republican president. They have too much power in appointing federal judges. Who are FOREVER. Forever to make laws that friggin' ruin everything I hold dear. (How often does a Souter slip though?) James Leon Holmes was appointed to a federal judicial position. This asshole wrote that the "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with approximately the same frequency as snowfall in Miami." Ummm...I guess I didn't realize that pregnancy was the ONLY reason that rape was a concern. Or that unwanted pregnancy was the only reason to have concern for rape victims. Never mind the violence inherent in rape, the psychological damage after a rape, or any of the other stuff that can and does occur. Now, granted, his statement was in the context of an argument favoring a constitutional amendment banning abortion. But as a rape victim myself, I want to stand up and just let loose on this asshole. I really and truly do. And I want to say to the 51 Senators who voted for him, they have lost my respect. 51 more people to take off my Christmas card list. Guess I just saved $18.87 in stamps. And is THIS "I have to acknowledge that my own rhetoric, particularly when I first became involved in the issue [of abortion] in 1980 and perhaps some years thereafter, sometimes has been unduly strident and inflammatory. The sentence about rape victims which was made in a letter to an editor in 1980 is particularly troublesome to me from a distance of 23 years later. Regardless of the merits of the issue, the articulation in that sentence reflects an insensitivity for which there is no excuse and for which I apologize." an apology anyway? Regardless of the merits of the issue? What, that being that regardless of whether he was right that rape victims don't often get pregnant? He's sorry for his analogy, but not that statement itself? Another reason to hate this guy (as if we needed one)? He made a statement that "the wife is to subordinate herself to the husband". Excuse me while I go vomit.

And now let's look at judicial nominations in general. Bush is currently crying (and has been the entire time) about Democrats delaying some of his super far right extreme psycho judicial nominations. However, in his three and a half years, the Senate has confirmed 198 judges (compared with Clinton's 377 in 8 years). Many, like Holmes, were to my dismay. Just 3 of his nominations have actually been blocked (Clinton had 20 blocked). And in the first 1000 days Bush was President, judicial vacancies dropped from 9.9 per cent to 4.6 per cent. Yeah. You have a right to complaint. The Democrats play politics nicer than your Reublicans, and you are still crying. (I actually had to write a speech for a conservative partner in late 2002 and he told me my facts were wrong. They weren't.)


  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger All Things Jennifer said…

    So seriously, you wouldn't vote for me?

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger -Me said…

    I would vote for a qualified Republican for EVERY position EXCEPT President. Not that I'm telling you to set your sights lower, but more that I'm telling you to become a Democrat. ;-)


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