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Jurisdiction Stripping (to achieve social policy goals, a valient purpose, no?)

Check this out. Basically, Republicans want to pass legislation to strip federal courts -- INCLUDING THE SUPREME COURT -- of their jurisdiction to review cases involving the Pledge of Allegiance. What is it with Congress thinking that they can just stop federal courts from hearing cases they don't want the courts to? What is happening to checks and balances? Where would it stop? This is a slope that Congress should not go down. And it started because Bush and co. have decided that federal courts did not have the right to hear cases by individuals being detained, suspending the right to habeas corpus.


  • At 11:43 PM, Blogger Curtis said…

    I heard (maybe from you?) that the Supreme Court denied cert to hear another pledge class. It's moot legislation as the Supreme Court is full of politically driven idiots. :(


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