I'm Greek...I talk loud...sue me (wait, these ARE lawyers I'm talking about)
So yesterday I went to play paintball with people from work. Yes, nothing says firm bonding like taking out all your aggression on each other and getting to hit certain partners who make your life hell...Anyway, I was muddy for hours, the first game (the first time I ever played) I was pretty bad and got hit almost immediately. It was partners against associates...associates won. Game two I did much better - I didn't even die that game. But two partners told me that they heard me talking the entire time. I'd only point out that they did not SEE me so they could not hit me. So who cared? The field was kinda like the Berlin Wall - there were these woods, and a wide open field about 30 feet across to get to the other woods. And the other side was hiding in the woods if you tried to cross, you were wide open. And hit. Blah. Third game we were also in woods, and with two minutes left (timed games unless someone captures the flag) one of the partner's sons started running from the flag. Wait, "partner's" can be anyone. Let me point out that it was a corner office partner, one of three partners on the management committee. So his 10 year old son is running for the flag. I'm behind the tree defending the flag, maybe 20 feet away. And I'm competitive (if not smart) and I just start (and keep) shooting at him (my aim isn't that good.) And I see him cry, reach for his neck and turn away from the flag. Yay! But NO! I evidentally hit him five times before he reacted - and twice in the neck! Like a friggin' vampire, I drew blood. Literally, I welted him. I'm so fired tomorrow. Then they switched teams and I wasn't separate from most of the associates - and I got hit from close range right in the back. Literally, he was evidentally three feet away from me and I had no idea. My back has this disgusting welt that was red and puffy and is now purpley and puffy. And all I'm thinking is, "Really, THIS helps the firm bond? Really??"
Then I have to send everyone Room90, my friend's Chris's band's website. Keep your eye (ear?) out for them. Chris is currently an attorney who bills 2400 a year (note: 400 more than I have to!) Despite this, he's playing guitar in this band (talk about awesome, worshipable, time management) and their first CD comes out real soon. Some fun: he's played on the same guitar that Matchbox 20 used when recording 3 a.m. But anyway, they were putting the finishing touches on the album and recording a last song in the studio this past weekend, and on one of their songs, someone from I think Matchbox 20 (I don't offhand remember, I was told this on my way back from paintball and was wincing in pain a lot, so I'm not 100% sure which band it was, but I'm pretty sure it was Matchbox 20 - but not Rob) was in the studio and started playing with them. So anyway, when their album comes out, he'll be on one of it. THEN the guy told them he's been working on a song but he likes their sound and whats to give it to them. AND he plans to talk them up and see what he can do for them b/c he thinks they've got a great sound. And come on, 90% of the business is who you know...
Finally, today, I finally went out with this guy who has been calling. Here’s the thing. He’s NICE, but I quite possibly find him less interesting than an eight-hour lecture on the history of the cocoa industry. I’m talkative by nature. Some call it babbling. I can accept this. So when I have a hard time talking to you, well, I don't know. And I have lots of interests, but as far as I can tell, he only has one. Which I like too, but I can't only talk about one thing. So I'm exasperated that I don't know how to make this point clear, other than bringing up other topics to which I get no responses (or, rather, MY responses). So I go for the work busi-ness for the next two months. Which is completely true with two trials starting in the next six weeks or so (my first two trial, how friggin' exciting is that??), but absolutely pathetic. But how else can you say, "I fall asleep when I'm talking to you" (and by that I don't mean when he is talking, I literally mean when I am talking, when the words are coming out of MY mouth, I'm so bored with the conversation that I stop paying attention.) And I've tried other topics, and a "conversation" about things like politics, sports, current events, the war, art, and musicals, consist of him essentially repeating what I said first.
Then I have to send everyone Room90, my friend's Chris's band's website. Keep your eye (ear?) out for them. Chris is currently an attorney who bills 2400 a year (note: 400 more than I have to!) Despite this, he's playing guitar in this band (talk about awesome, worshipable, time management) and their first CD comes out real soon. Some fun: he's played on the same guitar that Matchbox 20 used when recording 3 a.m. But anyway, they were putting the finishing touches on the album and recording a last song in the studio this past weekend, and on one of their songs, someone from I think Matchbox 20 (I don't offhand remember, I was told this on my way back from paintball and was wincing in pain a lot, so I'm not 100% sure which band it was, but I'm pretty sure it was Matchbox 20 - but not Rob) was in the studio and started playing with them. So anyway, when their album comes out, he'll be on one of it. THEN the guy told them he's been working on a song but he likes their sound and whats to give it to them. AND he plans to talk them up and see what he can do for them b/c he thinks they've got a great sound. And come on, 90% of the business is who you know...
Finally, today, I finally went out with this guy who has been calling. Here’s the thing. He’s NICE, but I quite possibly find him less interesting than an eight-hour lecture on the history of the cocoa industry. I’m talkative by nature. Some call it babbling. I can accept this. So when I have a hard time talking to you, well, I don't know. And I have lots of interests, but as far as I can tell, he only has one. Which I like too, but I can't only talk about one thing. So I'm exasperated that I don't know how to make this point clear, other than bringing up other topics to which I get no responses (or, rather, MY responses). So I go for the work busi-ness for the next two months. Which is completely true with two trials starting in the next six weeks or so (my first two trial, how friggin' exciting is that??), but absolutely pathetic. But how else can you say, "I fall asleep when I'm talking to you" (and by that I don't mean when he is talking, I literally mean when I am talking, when the words are coming out of MY mouth, I'm so bored with the conversation that I stop paying attention.) And I've tried other topics, and a "conversation" about things like politics, sports, current events, the war, art, and musicals, consist of him essentially repeating what I said first.
Example: Me: "The Indians would be a pretty decent team if they had a bullpen."
Him: "I don't know, I think the Indians are a decent team, they just need a bullpen."
Hell, the voices my head and I do better! We have a *conversation.* We talk. And here's a shocker, the talkitive Greek is one of those people who falls for someone through conversation (as long as they are not blond). So this does not bode well anyway. Plus, I like to argue. I have fun with it. But he's too nice to argue back. How boring (this may be why I have decided that nice guys are boring and I don't want to be with a nice guy. Because they are gentlemen and won't argue back. Why do they have to assume that to argue means to be a jerk?)
At 7:45 PM,
Curtis said…
A few of us nice guys still enjoy to argue. I like to argue things that I don't really believe with someone who is passionate about the same thing as me.
As far as the Indians being a decent team, you are correct. They could be decent but they need more than a bullpen. What they need is to be in Dallas and called the Rangers. Then they'd be damn good! :P
At 8:38 AM,
-Me said…
So if you like to argue then maybe you aren't the nice guy you think you are?? At least that's been my experience. Nice guys don't want to argue because they assume that means they aren't being nice. Or maybe my "theory" has too small a sample size in order to really carry much weight.
The Rangers are one of the only teams who the Indians have played poorly against this year. I'll give them credit. Who ever would have thought that by getting rid of the best player in baseball, they'd become a BETTER team?? But I'd disagree that the Indians need more than a bullpen. There is something to be said about 23 blown saves in the 8th and 9th inning. That is no one but the bullpen doing that. And that would make them the best team in baseball. (In Cleveland, we live on "what ifs" because we have no other alternative.) And I'd like a right handed power hitter, but you can't really get much better than third best offense in baseball.
At 9:56 AM,
Curtis said…
They talk about your bullpen in that story. Closers are really important but not everything. I'm not sure how TX is doing it because when you look at their bullpen nobody stands out. I think that a good team chemistry is also really important. That's what baseball used to be about. People who wanted to play ball. You've got that great field in Cleveland; the team just needs to get excited about things!
At 4:01 PM,
-Me said…
It's not just the closer that sucks - it's the entire bullpen. The team actually has pretty good chemistry, from all reports, and they know that it has to change b/c they are bringing up AAA guys, and there was talk how that was gonna affect players who have already bonded.
At 4:02 PM,
-Me said…
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