I bought 11 different types of oatmeal the other day. I don't like oatmeal, but I desperately want to. Oatmeal seems like the perfect winter breakfast. I thought, perhaps I can find a flavor of oatmeal I like. Yesterday's attempt (brown sugar) was really bad. Today's (strawberry) was even worse. The problem with this (obviously well thought out) strategy is what I don't like about oatmeal isn't the flavor, it's the texture. Though technically, the texture today was one solid rock. Yes, I have descended to the point where I cannot even cook oatmeal properly.
Jon Stewart:
And as long as it's not Watergate... [I think in this story is a lot of good news for the administration.] Hurray for the indictment! This is great news for the President. Whee! What an opportunity for President Bush! Not he gets to re-restore integrity to the White House!
Jon Stewart:
And as long as it's not Watergate... [I think in this story is a lot of good news for the administration.] Hurray for the indictment! This is great news for the President. Whee! What an opportunity for President Bush! Not he gets to re-restore integrity to the White House!
At 9:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Instant oatmeal is generally gross.
Buy quick oatmeal. Cook with milk instead of water (but otherwise follow the directions on the package). Add walnuts, raisins, a dash of cinnamon and some chopped apple as it cooks. When it's done, put on as much brown sugar as you want. Make more than one serving at a time, and then microwave the leftovers (with a little extra milk) the next morning.
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Try co-co wheats instead. It's like malt o meal (which has sadly disappeared) but it is a good winter breakfast. I eat it when it is cold. That and Weetabix which is a British thiong similar to oatmeal- I don't recommend it for you.
At 1:35 PM,
Yoga Korunta said…
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At 1:39 PM,
Yoga Korunta said…
Oatmeal, regardless of texture, feels smoother if folded with yogurt.
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't the whole point of eating oatmeal so that you get, you know, "health benefits" from it?
How does piling on the sugar benefit someone?
Here's my suggestion: If you want to eat something sweet and tasty, go get some sugary cereal.
If you want to eat healthy, then you can sweeten it with a *little* honey or molasses, perhaps adding a small pat of butter to help make it creamy--but avoid lots of milk and sugar. The apple is a good idea, though.
Although, if your blood-type is O, then you should be eating a hamsteak or 4 eggs or something.
Type O need *protein*.
Type A need *grain*.
Type B need *dairy*.
Type AB need *dairy mixed with grain*.
Check out my wife's site for nutrition help:
At 8:59 PM,
Jeff Hess said…
Shalom Stephanie,
Have you tried Steel Cut oats? They take longer to cook, but I eat them without milk or sugar and love the nutty flavor and tooth texture.
At 12:37 AM,
-Me said…
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I'll check them out, though I think I'm fighting a losing battle. And Ben, I more want to eat breakfast - and I don't like most breakfast things. So I'm trying to find something easy to eat. And none of those are my blood type. I'm B-.
At 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Instant quaker oatmeal, (low sugar available if you are interested) -- apple cinnamon flavor. Make it with skim milk, not water. I like my oatmeal a little runny so I add more than they recommend. If you still need a little something extra on it, add some more cinnamon. But who doesn't love apple cinnamon?
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Finally a kindred spirit with the oatmeal!!! I LOATHE oatmeal, and it is all the texture. it is like warm cinnamon vomit, and I just don't see how that is supposed to be good. I have tried for years to eat it and like it, and it just hasn't worked. People always make fun of me for it too... glad to know that I am no longer the only one!
At 12:18 AM,
EasyW said…
Oatmeal is great...
You're really missing out on one of the finer foods in life...
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